Post a Job
Post your Job Here:
Reminder: before you post a job, please create an account / log in, using the button in the top right of the website (desktop), or located inside the menu on the top left on mobile.
Select all that apply (white button = unselected; teal button = selected):
Company Details
(A square or round logo works best. Logos that are tall or wide will be cut off or squished/stretched.)
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Job postings will be manually reviewed by our team of volunteers and then approved within 24 hours. Job postings will remain visible on the website for 60 days, unless you log in and delete the job posting. After 60 days, it will be automatically removed.
Job Posting Instructions
Job postings on MVCareers reach 100-200 local job searchers daily, just on the website alone! If you want an even bigger impact, try purchasing our highlighted job posting. Your post will stay at the top of the list, plus we will create a Facebook and Instagram post for it, on the MVCareers accounts.
To post a job, you will need to create an account, and then log in. (Look for the icon in the top right corner, or in the menu (top left) on mobile). After that, visit this page again and scroll down to post your job opportunity. Job postings will be manually reviewed by our team of volunteers and then approved within 24 hours.
To edit or delete a job, please fill out the form here.