Job Search Community Info
Due to the interactive nature of this community, we understand that questions come up from time to time. The following is a collection of the questions we get asked the most, which you can browse below. If you still have doubts after reviewing the list, get in touch and someone will help you out.

General questions
What is www.mvcareers.ca?
www.mvcareers.ca is a free online platform that connects job seekers with employers. Job seekers can browse and apply for job listings (directly with the employer), while employers can post job openings.
How can I create an account on www.mvcareers.ca?
To create an account, click on the "Sign Up" button at the top right corner of the website. Follow the prompts to fill in your details and create an account.
Is using www.mvcareers.ca free?
Yes, using www.mvcareers.ca is absolutely free for both job seekers and employers. Employers have the option to purchase a "highlighted job posting" for a fee of $20 per listing, to get more eyes on the job listing.

Job Seeker Questions
How do I search for jobs on www.mvcareers.ca?
To search for jobs, visit our homepage and scroll down. Alternatively, you could click on "Jobs" on the menu bar and find our list of jobs there. We plan on adding search tools to the website in the future.
How do I apply for a job?
Once you find a job listing you're interested in, click on the job title to view the details. Follow the instructions provided in the job posting to apply directly to the employer.
Where can I get help with writing my resume?
We recommend the services of Gabrielle from Go-Getter Resumes. Gabrielle offers a free resume review and she can support you in improving your resume, no matter what stage in your career you're at.

Employer Questions
How do I post a job on www.mvcareers.ca?
To post a job, you need to create a free account. There's a "Log In" button at the top right corner. Create an account and/or log in. After logging in, click on "Post a Job" and follow the steps to submit your job listing.
What is a "highlighted job posting"?
A "highlighted job posting" is a feature that allows your job listing to be displayed at the top of the job search results for greater visibility. Social media posts are also created and posted to our Facebook Page, Facebook group, and Instagram account. This feature is available for a $20 fee.
How do I pay for a "highlighted job posting"?
After submitting your job listing, you'll have the option to purchase a highlighted job posting. Follow the payment instructions provided to complete the transaction. Or, click here.

Privacy and Security
Is my personal information secure on www.mvcareers.ca?
Yes, we take privacy and security seriously. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand how we handle and protect your personal information.
How can I report suspicious activity or misuse of the platform?
If you suspect any misuse of the platform or encounter suspicious activity, please contact us at mvcareers.ca@gmail.com.